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Side Stream Filtration

Risks of a Poorly Treated Closed System

Closed systems are vulnerable to scale, fouling and corrosion – All of which can reduce life expectancy of equipment and make a system much less efficient

Sidestream filtration is an easy, safe and effective way to lower these risks by removing solids from the system water and can also be used for addition of chemical

It is suitable for most systems but strongly recommended for systems greater than 2,500L.

For the best effect, it should be installed as soon as possible after cleaning.

Sidestream filtration helps maintain a low concentration of suspended solids, reducing the risk of under deposit corrosion in areas of low flow, helping to prevent blockages and improve water quality

Removal of solids also limits bacterial growth, therefore decreasing the risk of direct & indirect Microbially Influenced Corrosion (MIC)

A form of dose pot is always recommended to ensure the safe addition of chemical as ongoing water treatment is essential to maintain the satisfactory condition of a system. A sidestream unit can be installed instead of a dose pot to not only remove solids from the system, but also to introduce chemicals to the water!

Many sidestream filtration units also offer magnetic filtration. This is often used in smaller heating systems to remove abrasive iron oxides

In sidestream filtration, a small proportion of the circulating flow is continually passed through a filter. It is vital to check these filters regularly and replace when required

If the filters become blocked and are not checked and cleaned/replaced regularly, the risk of corrosion may increase due to bacterial colonisation as the filters can provide ideal conditions for bacteria if not properly maintained

Sidestream units are usually designed so that the entire system volume passes through at least once over 24 hours & as they are a side-stream, clogging the filter could not cause back-pressure problems on the main system

Filters are usually bag or cartridge filters and remove particles down to 5µm or less

Replacement of these filters is determined by a pressure drop or visual inspection

The pore size of the filters can also be reduced over time to ‘polish’ the system water

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